Monthly message from Pastor Todd

Dear PoP friends,

This month, I will begin a month-long grief group. Truth: I need it. Since Kelly died in April (so long ago, yet like yesterday) I press on, try to do life as usual. Life is anything but usual, however. It's empty and I'm lonely with a loneliness I've never felt before. A good number of you know that loneliness. It's a unique and individual loneliness that I can't really describe.

Grief and faith are intertwined for me. I think that's true for all of us who cling to faith in Christ in time of need. It's impossible to separate my grief from the faith we share. That is a blessing, indeed! I can't imagine grieving without the promise and hope I have for life, forgiveness, redemption and peace that only Christ gives. I need that promise of grace and love always. Especially right now. Grief and faith are very much alike. Both are real, but can't be adequately described or explained. Both grief and faith defy comprehension. That can be very confusing, confounding and even confining. It can lead to conundrum. That is the truth I hold now. I can't describe it, but it is certainly true.

Something else that is certainly true: Our Lord is the Lord of life and death. This is most certainly true! The apostle Paul said that, “If we live, we live to the Lord. If we die, we die to the Lord. So whether we live or we die, we are the Lord's.” We are the Lords. I am. Kelly is. You are.

I spoke with our dear hospice chaplain a few weeks ago, trying to describe what I was feeling. I told her how guilty I have felt about fights and squabbles I had with Kelly. We had some intense arguments (which I never won) that make me feel bad for not loving her better. The chaplain reminded me that Kelly is now whole in every meaningful way. She is full of grace and love, as we could never share in our life together. She is full of love for me that was real then, and is perfected today. Kelly loves me fully today, for she is redeemed and made whole in her eternal life. The chaplain said that Kelly would want me to know grace and love and forgiveness. She would want me to be at peace with our life together. No doubt it was a deeply loving and fulfilling life. But it wasn't perfect. It was powerful, pleasurable and precious. Even profound. Not perfect.

I am so grateful for that life we had. But it really hurts to lose it, and lose Kelly whom I love so much. My home is empty. My refrigerator is empty. My couch is empty. My bed is empty. My heart is empty. My guts feel empty. What was so full is so low. Grief is very, very real. Faith is also very, very real. I pray for the fullness of faith and the grace of God that passes understanding. It will come, most surely, with time. It will come, and come to life in me. It will come. It will come. Faith has taught me to say, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!”

Yours in the Lord, Pr. Todd

PoP's Social Club!


Sundays at 9:00 a.m. in the sanctuary



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Wednesdays 6:30 - 8:00 pm

​​Prince of Peace

Welcome to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church! Come and worship with us any Sunday and we'll welcome you as Christ welcomes you -- arms open wide and with a big smile!

Our worship is liturgical, and we celebrate Holy Communion twice a month (1st and 3rd Sundays). All are welcome at Christ's table!  Music at Prince of Peace is sometimes led by piano, other times we use the organ, add a couple brass horns or a violin -- there are so many ways to sing God's praise! Your voice will fit right in! 

Sunday worship is always based on Bible readings, and those readings always include the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His life, death and resurrection are central to who we are and how we live. We come each Sunday to hear the story of Jesus, then leave to carry Christ's love for sake of the world. 

Please call us or email us if you have any questions. 

Prince of Peace: (303) 759-2522


Pastor Todd Hawkins' email: